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Want Your Brand to Become the Next Viral Meme? Do This One Thing

Your brand is everything. It is how people know and recognize your company. Your brand also encompasses all things positive that people associate with your business, products, and services.

When your brand’s values align with those of investors and consumers, it increases loyalty and profitability.

So, do you want to take your brand that you worked so hard to build and turn it into the internet’s next viral meme? Here’s how - only support a specific value or social movement “when it’s popular” with the sole intent of using it as a marketing gimmick to make an additional profit. Today’s consumers are wise, have an eye for seeing through hypocrisy- and will call it out when they see it thus tarnishing your brand - and they are relentless.

For example - the month of June is widely known as Pride Month. On June 1st, logos, food, clothes, flags, streets, buildings, and even alpacas turn rainbow in support of equality. Inevitably, there are those companies who try to jump their way to headlines as supporters only to be called out by those same headlines for not supporting equality the rest of the year.

Earth Day is another example. Suddenly, companies are promoting ways for employees and individuals to recycle, reduce pollution, and keep our planet clean. Gen Z is especially calling out big corporations for their role in climate change and asking “what about the other 364 days?” Did you know that about 100 companies worldwide are responsible for 70% of the carbon footprint on Earth? H&M is one company who considers the environment every day of the year with their clothing and fabric recycling initiative. (Although during the pandemic they have paused this program).

If you want your customers to know that your brand is trustworthy and increase loyalty, stand for your cause 24/7/365. Not only will your customers stand with you, they will also give your brand a boost during the recognized times of observance instead of turning into an irrefutable joke.


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