Case Studies
Ascendant’s results have CEOs seeking multi-year relationships with us. For more information on our clients contact us.
Below are just a small sample of the results we’ve delivered for our CEO and executive level clientele.
Media appearances and features on Fast Company, Fox News, CNBC, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times.
Book deals with large US publishers John Wiley, McGraw Hill, Penguin, Harper Collins, and others.
Speaking engagements at prestigious organizations like Harvard, Yale, the White House, Kraft, Campbell Soup, Lakewood Church and The Potter’s House.

A Multi-Billion Dollar Chinese Automaker Needs Instant Results!
This $2 billion dollar publicly-traded Chinese automaker was set to debut an unmanned vehicle at the Detroit Auto Show, and with just two weeks left, they had not received any notable media coverage. They had a goal of five noteworthy media placements and 50 people at their press conference.
We developed a compelling PR campaign that presented the company and executive we worked with as global innovators (despite it being a crowded space) and as a result 200 reporters came to their press conference and 75 media placements were landed. Campaign results were exceeded by 300 percent and 1,400 percent respectively.

A Pre-Revenue Company Tries to Demonstrate Its Potential and Ascendant Efforts Play Direct Role in Securing a 75 Million Dollar Contract
This early stage real estate development company built a technology arm with proprietary intellectual property that will allow them to revolutionize the industry. However, nobody had ever heard of them.
We developed a campaign to present the company as North America’s most innovative real estate company and a global leader in building with shipping containers. We also highlighted their connection with the lightning rod of Detroit. As a result, they attracted $300 million in potential projects, more investors, and gained instant credibility as a new innovator in the real estate industry. Ascendant’s efforts directly led to closing a 75-million-dollar contract, a compelling social media platform, and exposure on HGTV, USA Today, ABC News.

A Former #5 NBA Draft Pick Seeks to Become A Champion in Business
A former #5 NBA draft pick overcame a career ending knee injury with a product he created to get back into the league. Ultimately, he was so successful that he decided to continue building his business instead of returning to his playing career.
We developed a campaign that highlighted the sad reality that 70 percent of retired athletes are broke within five years due to their struggles with chronic pain. We presented his rehabilitation product as the solution. Within six months, national distribution increased by 700 percent and his sales increased by 2,000 percent! Ultimately a division of the company was sold off to a publicly traded entity.

A Swedish CEO Seeks Validation in The U.S. For a Unique Business
We worked with the CEO of a financial services organization specializing in socially-responsible investing hedge funds. The challenge? They had a good presence in Europe but were virtually unknown with minimal market share in the U.S.
We developed a campaign to explain common missteps and myths about socially-responsible investing. The outcome? Geneva’s philosophies were featured in major media outlets such as Wall Street Journal, The Street and Forbes, vastly increasing credibility and exposure in the U.S.

A Senior Executive at a Fortune 50 Company
As Dell’s first-ever VP of Global Consumer Innovation, our client needed to grow his brand visibility.
We created and developed a brand as “The Consummate Executive.” This included securing a national book deal, showcasing his unique expertise. Ascendant also organized an international book tour which included paid engagements in three countries and several universities. Later, when this executive launched his own business, we helped him earn the honor of receiving the “Texas Small Business of the Year” award.